12 Weeks to The Body by Jenn Glysson
The upcoming new year means new goals, resolutions, routines and for some a total revamp of their lifestyle. I personally am the last, a total revamp of my current lifestyle. So with that in mid I was looking for the best help I could get when it comes to eating healthy, stressing less and of course a doable fitness routine. So right away I found amazing help in the first two with plenty of online resources that were free and easy to access but a fitness routine was the one that really took some searching. Now I am not in the perfect of shape right now and just walking down the block is a chore for me but I did want something that I could do t help me get fit. Of course that being said since it is hard for me to do certain routines I needed something that I could adapt and fit into my personal level of activity, unfortunately that made it a difficult search. To my surprise after days and weeks of searching the net and other resources I finally found my holy grail of a book.
It's called 12 Weeks to The Body by Jenn Glysson and it is phenomenal! I am in love with this ebook and it is now my fitness bible, I literally go nowhere without it. It has everything you need to get an amazing body and can be adapted to your fitness level even if you're a beginner like me. The exercises are all explained in detail in the book of how they are to be done and for how long in what routine. This makes for an amazingly simple and seamless workout which also takes a bit of unneeded stress out of my life. There's also a fitness test in the very beginning of the book just so you can see exactly where you are starting from and keep track of how far you have gone later on in the next few weeks. Jenn even includes a convenient calendar of when and for how long you're supposed to do the routine and gives a glossary of each exercise so that you make sure you're doing it the correct way. For me this is an amazing and invaluable tool because I am always on the go and need as little stress as possible to get things done. Jenn also explains in the book that your body needs variety so each session has completely different exercises in it so that your body won't get bored and shut down, you need to keep it challenged, who knew?! She also gives a great suggestion on getting a free 'HIT timer' or fitness interval timer on your phone to help you keep track of your sessions, warm ups and cool downs.
The exercises themselves at first use nothing but your own body weight; which for me is great because as I said I am not in the best shape and don't need extra weight on me, then they progress to using small weights for added challenge. The sessions that you do are split up between three days a week so you do the High Intensity Interval Training Monday, Wednesday and Friday then 45 minutes to an hour of cardio Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. For me that was fantastic because I could just go for a walk with my family, do some Zumba or even just do an elliptical bike at the gym to get the heart pumping. An added perk to this program is that since you don't really use weights until further into the program you don't need to purchase any expensive supplies. All that is required for this amazing workout is a small set of weights, a mat or towel to sit on, some type of bench to do bench steps, a free interval timer on your smart phone and of course this amazing guide I'm talking about. Honestly that is all that you need to get into the best shape of your life, there really is no expensive trainer, no gym fees or special equipment to buy or anything just your book and a few items you probably have around the house already.
Now I have been doing this for the past three weeks and I'm gonna be honest, these workouts do kick your backside and make you sweat like a mad woman and some of the moves were a bit hard for me to do. With that said, it is so worth the sore muscles, loss of breath, sweat and tears because in the end you feel amazing. I was able to adapt all the moves to my fitness level which of course still made me a bit sore and tired since I haven't exercised in forever, and I still got the same effect without hurting myself. It's like Jenn says in the book, she always tells her clients "if it hurts let me know because it shouldn't". She states that there is a way to work the same muscle the same way just at a beginner level so that you still get a workout and the exact same end result as doing the more difficult one. I mean honestly I realize that there is gonna be soreness when starting something you haven't done in a while but she is awesome stating that you don't need to practically break your bones to get fit. I know so many other trainers that I have gone to that have honestly told me that I just had to get used to the pain and bear through it, really that's not how it should be and Jenn is a doll for stating that and showing people like me that we can work out too without being ashamed of having to adjust routines. Actually now that I have been doing the workout for a while now, even with the adjustments, I find that I am able to do them a little better now as far as the level, I would say I can do some of them almost exactly as shown in the book with no pain.
Now I did mention that there was a beginner fitness test to see where you are at initially and guess what, that's not the only one there is. There are fitness tests every few weeks so you can track how you've done as far as intensity, timing and strength. This helps you see what you need to work on and what you can tweak to get a better workout going. I mean this book has it all, fitness tests, glossary of exercises and a workout calendar for the week so you don't have to worry about forgetting your routine. What more could anyone ask for in a book, you have a certified personal trainer at your fingertips and you don't even have to step out your front door or pay costly gym fees. I am truly pleased with this amazing book and just can't wait to do my workouts every day. I never in my life thought I would say those words but it is true and I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to start a new and healthy lifestyle. If you want to check out this amazing book and find out more about this amazing trainer check out the following links and hasthags.
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