Amazing Benton Cacao Moist and Mild Cream

 Amazing Benton Cacao Moist and Mild Cream I got to review free from Benton products and 0.8L. I love how it has a very soft sweet smell that lingers once you put it on and the pink color of the packaging is to die for. My skin feels so soft and moist once it's applied and has a wonderful glow to it. The cream has a very lightweight texture, is made from Cacao extracts for dewy complexion, is suitable for summer and is a naturally derived mild cream perfect for all skin types. 
  It also came with four amazing samples for your face and eyes. One is a sample version of the cream itself and the others are two Papaya sunscreens for your face of different strengths and an eye cream for the nighttime. I am in love with these, they all smell so delicious and leave my skin so flawless I almost don't need makeup. I do love anything and everything that helps protect me from the sun and is natural so these sun care products are right up my alley. 
  The eye treatment for nighttime doesn't really have a smell which is great too and works wonders. I love how rested and fresh my eyes look in the morning and see a difference in the lines as well. All in all I am super pleased that I was able to try this amazing beauty product for free from Benton cosmetics and 0.8L.

#Benton #Bentoncosmetics # kbeauty #Cacaomoistandmildcream #skincare, #Dailyitem, #Moisturizer #BentonMoistAndMildCream #Cacao #lightcream


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